Baboons are just as social and playful as children...and baboon ladies are just as annoyed by horny baboon guys as the human counterpart.
This baby elephant had a hard time crossing the ditch. -Mommy waited patiently on the other side.
Zebras grassing underneath a Baobab tree (Also called "Upside-down tree")
Giraffes have a certain grace to them which is not found in many animals...although the grace can be well hidden in certain situations...
The warthog or "pumba" which is the swahili name, has become one of my favorite animals. A funnier animal is hard to find.
The Ngorongoro crater covered in mist early in the morning.
Some of the craters many inhabitants. The wilderbeast migrate during the dry season (northern summer), but the ones in the crater tend to stay put.
Male lions are surprisingly patient with cubs...
Some of the lions we came across were marked so that preservationists can monitor their movement and prevent poaching.
The Masai people and their welcome dance. Masai men impress the women by jumping.